About Us
Care India Medical Society (CIMS) ) is a unique public charitable trust registered in Pune in February 1993. The trust provides a social support system to the community in preventive, early detection and end of life care aspects of cancer control management. The society’s activities are divided into FOUR categories: Satseva (home care for palliative care patients), Matruseva (Health maintenance programme for women – prevention and early detection), Vishranti (respite and palliative care centre) and CANTREAT.
It began when the Founder Trustee N S Nyayapathi was extremely moved by the pain he had to witness his mother go through in her advanced stages of kidney cancer before her death in 1989. This affected him so much that he took premature retirement from the army and visited USA and UK to see how palliative care was administered at close quarters. This is how Care India Medical Society (CIMS) was set up in June 1993 by Col. N S Nyayapathi (Retd.) and his anesthetist wife Dr. Madhuri Kavoori. They first set up the Satseva project to provide palliative care to the patients at their doorstep in December 1994 in Pune.
It was difficult in the early years when Dr. Madhuri travelled all over the city in public transport lugging a water mattress weighing 7 kg and her medical kit. She made as many as 14 rounds on some days. In 1996 a good Samaritan finally donated a rickshaw.
Vishranti India’s first pain management outreach programme for cancer patients in need of palliative care was set up in February 2007. This modest 15 bed hospital is often described by the patients as a five star hospital for its comfort, hygiene levels and caring attitude. It caters to those in the advanced stages of cancer free of cost. The organization has been working relentlessly for the past 25 years in the field of cancer, especially in the alleviation of pain and human suffering providing services to the poor and needy through their institutions SATSEVA and MATRUSEVA.